Terms of use and privacy statement

Accept terms of use and privacy statement
The EBS provides a platform to bring together tenants (students of EBS) and landlords, called EBS Housing. For this purpose, any information provided through the plattforn might be published.
EBS Housing as a service is provided exclusively for private, non comercial purposes, to provide housing for students of EBS.
The plattform may only be used by indouviduals of legal age.
Use of the Housing Portal is free of charge.
Users' listings published on the Housing Portal will be automatically deleted three months after publication.
Sie können die Nutzungsbedingung als PDF einsehen oder herunterladen: Nutzungsbedingungen (Deutsch) | Terms of use (English)
Sie finden unsere Erklärungen zum Datenschutz unter https://www.ebs.edu/de/datenschutz.
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